譯者按:一位不善詞令的好友,把下列的詩篇電郵給我,使陷入無助的我,得著安慰與鼓勵。我頓時醒悟,鼓勵人原來不一定要懂說話的,為朋友遞上一兩則具安慰信息的短文,也同樣可以激發人心,為人帶來力量。為讓更多中文讀者得激勵,現稍將此文翻譯成中文(經文部分乃採用和合本中文版本聖經)。 |
The LORD is my shepherd, 耶和華是我的牧者, |
That's Relationship! 這是我與主的關係 |
I shall not be in want 我必不致缺乏。 |
That's Supply ! 因有主的供應 |
He makes me lie down in green pastures, 祂使我躺臥在青草地上, |
That's Rest! 我得以安息 |
he leads me beside quiet waters, 領我在可安歇的水邊。 |
That' s Refreshment! 使我重新得力 |
he restores my soul 祂使我的靈魂甦醒, |
That's Healing! 我心靈得醫治 |
He guides me in paths of righteousness 引導我走義路。 |
That's Guidance! 主給我人生方向 |
for his name's sake 為自己的名 |
That's Purpose! 主是我的目標 |
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷, |
That's Testing! 這是主給我的試煉 |
I will fear no evil, 也不怕遭害, |
That's Protection! 因有主的保護 |
for you are with me; 因為祢與我同在; |
That's Faithfulness! 是信實的 |
your rod and your staff, they comfort me 祢的杖,祢的竿,都安慰我。 |
That's Discipline! 祢給我管教 |
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies 在我敵人面前,祢為我擺設筵席; |
That's Hope! 這是盼望 |
You anoint my head with oil; 祢用油膏了我的頭, |
That's Consecration! 我因而得以成聖 |
my cup overflows 使我的福杯滿溢。 |
That's Abundance! 祢豐富了我的人生 |
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, 我一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨著我; |
That's Blessing! 這是主給我的祝福 |
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD 我且要住在耶和華的殿中, |
That's Security! 好得著安穩 |
forever. 直到永遠。 |
That's Eternity! 這是永恆。 |
What is most valuable is not what we have in our lives , but WHO we have in our lives!